
Script dTS package properties
Author Nigel Rivett

The following will create a file including the properties of a dts package. Useful for searching or detecting changes.
The files will be created in the folder of the global variable "Path" and be named .txt.

Create a dts package with the following globale variables

Global Variables


Create a Activex Script Task and include the following script.

Call it via (for a trustedt connection include a blank uid/password)

	declare @sql varchar(1000)
		select	@sql = 'dtsrun /NScript_DTS_Packages /S(local) /E '
					+ '/A"ServerName":8="' + (local) + '" ' 
					+ '/A"Path":8="' + c:\test\ + '" ' 
					+ '/A"UserName":8="' + myuid + '" ' 
					+ '/A"Password":8="' + mypwd + '" ' 

		exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

Activex Script

'  Visual Basic ActiveX Script
Function Main()
Dim sServerName
Dim sPath
Dim sUserName
Dim sPassword
Dim iTrusted

	sServerName = DTSGlobalVariables("ServerName").Value
	sPath = DTSGlobalVariables("Path").Value
	sUserName = DTSGlobalVariables("UserName").Value
	sPassword = DTSGlobalVariables("Password").Value

	if len(sUserName) = 0 then
		iTrusted = "Y"
		iTrusted = "N"
	end if
 iTrusted	= "Y"
	ScriptDTSPackages sServerName, sPath, iTrusted, sUserName, sPassword
	Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

Private Sub ScriptDTSPackages(sServerName, sPath, iTrusted, sUserName, sPassword)
Dim objCon
Dim objCmd
Dim objRsPackageNames

	Set objCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	if iTrusted = "Y" then
		objCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
				"Data Source=" & sServerName & ";" & _
				"Initial Catalog=" & "msdb" & ";" & _
				"Integrated Security=SSPI"
		objCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
				"Data Source=" & sServerName & ";" & _
				"User Id=" & sUserName & ";" & ";" & _
				"Password=" & sPassword & ";" & _
				"Initial Catalog=" & "msdb"
	end if
	objCon.CursorLocation = 3  'adUseClient

	Set objCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
	objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCon
	objCmd.CommandType = 1  'adCmdText
	objCmd.CommandText = "select distinct name from sysdtspackages order by name"
	Set objRsPackageNames = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	Set objRsPackageNames = objCmd.Execute
	'ScriptDTSPackage "alantest", frmInitial.txtFolder, frmInitial.txtServer, frmInitial.chkTrusted, frmInitial.txtUsername, frmInitial.txtPassword
	Do While Not objRsPackageNames.EOF
		ScriptDTSPackage2 objRsPackageNames("Name"), sPath, sServerName, iTrusted, sUserName, sPassword
	Set objRsPackageNames = Nothing
	Set objCmd = Nothing
	Set objCon = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ScriptDTSPackage2(sPackageName, sFolder, sServer, iTrusted, sUID, sPWD)
Dim objFileScript
Dim objFStream

Dim objDTSPackage
Dim objDTSTask
Dim objDTSConnection
Dim objDTSTransformation
Dim objDTSDataPumpTask
Dim objDTSGlobalVariable
Dim objDTSCustomTask
Dim objDTSProperty

Dim objDTSDynamicPropertiesTask
Dim objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment

Dim i
Dim s1
Dim s2

	Set objFileScript = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set objFStream = objFileScript.CreateTextFile(sFolder & sPackageName & "_properties.txt")

	' load package
	Set objDTSPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package2")
	If iTrusted = "Y" Then
		objDTSPackage.LoadFromSQLServer sServer, , , 256, , , , sPackageName
		objDTSPackage.LoadFromSQLServer sServer, sUID, sPWD, , , , , sPackageName
	End If
	' Global variables
	objFStream.WriteLine "************************"
	objFStream.WriteLine "Global Variables"
	objFStream.WriteLine "************************"
	For Each objDTSGlobalVariable In objDTSPackage.GlobalVariables
		objFStream.WriteLine "<" & objDTSGlobalVariable.name & "=" & objDTSGlobalVariable.value & ">"
	' connections
	objFStream.WriteBlankLines 2
	objFStream.WriteLine "************************"
	objFStream.WriteLine "Connections"
	objFStream.WriteLine "************************"
	For Each objDTSConnection In objDTSPackage.Connections
		objFStream.WriteLine "<ID=" & objDTSConnection.ID & ">" & "<name=" & objDTSConnection.Name & ">" & "<Source=" & objDTSConnection.DataSource & ">" & "<ProviderID=" & objDTSConnection.ProviderID & ">"
	' tasks
	objFStream.WriteBlankLines 2
	objFStream.WriteLine "************************"
	objFStream.WriteLine "Tasks"
	objFStream.WriteLine "************************"
	For Each objDTSTask In objDTSPackage.Tasks
		objFStream.WriteLine "<type=" & objDTSTask.CustomTaskID & ">" & "<name=" & objDTSTask.Name & ">" & "<Description=" & objDTSTask.Description & ">"

		' executesql task
		If objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSExecuteSQLTask" Then
			objFStream.WriteLine "<sql statement>"
			objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("SQLStatement")
			objFStream.WriteLine "<sql statement end>"

		' datapump task
		ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSDataPumpTask" Then
			objFStream.WriteLine "<SourceObjectName=" & objDTSTask.Properties("SourceObjectName") & ">" & "<SourceConnectionID=" & objDTSTask.Properties("SourceConnectionID") & ">"
			If objDTSTask.Properties("SourceSQLStatement") <> "" Then
				objFStream.WriteLine "<source sql statement>"
				objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("SourceSQLStatement")
				objFStream.WriteLine "<source sql statement end>"
			End If
			objFStream.WriteLine "<DestinationObjectName=" & objDTSTask.Properties("DestinationObjectName") & ">" & "<DestinationConnectionID=" & objDTSTask.Properties("DestinationConnectionID") & ">"
			Set objDTSDataPumpTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask
			objFStream.WriteLine "<transformations=" & ">"
			For Each objDTSTransformation In objDTSDataPumpTask.Transformations
				For i = 1 To objDTSTransformation.DestinationColumns.Count
					objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("SourceObjectName") & "." & objDTSTransformation.SourceColumns(i).Name & " --> " & objDTSTask.Properties("DestinationObjectName") & "." & objDTSTransformation.DestinationColumns(i).Name
			objFStream.WriteLine "<transformations=" & " end>"

		' dynamic proprties task
		ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSDynamicPropertiesTask" Then
			Set objDTSDynamicPropertiesTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask
			For Each objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment In objDTSDynamicPropertiesTask.Assignments
				If objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceType = 0 Then
					s1 = "<INIFile=" & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceIniFileFileName & ">" & "<key=" & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceIniFileSection & "." & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceIniFileKey & ">"
				End If
				s2 = " --> " & "<" & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.DestinationPropertyID & ">"
				objFStream.WriteLine s1 & s2

		' Activex script task
		ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSActiveScriptTask" Then
			objFStream.WriteLine "<ActiveXScript>"
			objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("ActiveXScript")
			objFStream.WriteLine "<ActiveXScript end>"

		' Creae Proecss task
		ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSCreateProcessTask" Then
			objFStream.WriteLine "<ProcessCommandLine>"
			objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("ProcessCommandLine")
			objFStream.WriteLine "<ProcessCommandLine end>"

		' Send Mail task
		ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSSendMailTask" Then
			Set objDTSCustomTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask
			For Each objDTSProperty In objDTSCustomTask.Properties
				objFStream.WriteLine objDTSProperty.name & "=" & objDTSProperty.value

		' FTP task
		ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSFTPTask" Then
			For Each objDTSProperty In objDTSTask.Properties
				objFStream.WriteLine objDTSProperty.name & "=" & objDTSProperty.value

		' Trasnfer Objects task
		ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSTransferObjectsTask" Then
			Set objDTSCustomTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask
			For Each objDTSProperty In objDTSCustomTask.Properties
				objFStream.WriteLine objDTSProperty.name & "=" & objDTSProperty.value

			objFStream.WriteLine "**********************" & objDTSTask.Name & "  task name not catered for **********************"
		End If

		objFStream.WriteBlankLines 2
	Set objFStream = Nothing
	Set objDTSPackage = Nothing
End Sub
