
Add a self linked server
Author Nigel Rivett

This is useful for testing remote queries and creating a temp table from a stored procedure call.
Note - a self linked server does not act the same as a remote server.

integrated security

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 
	@server		= 'self', 
	@srvproduct 	= '', 
	@provider 	= 'MSDASQL',
	@datasrc 	= NULL,
	@location 	= NULL,
	@provstr 	= 'DRIVER={SQL Server};Server=(local); Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;'

sql server security

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 
	@server		= 'self', 
	@srvproduct 	= '', 
	@provider 	= 'MSDASQL',
	@datasrc 	= NULL,
	@location 	= NULL,
	@provstr 	= 'DRIVER={SQL Server};Server=(local); Initial Catalog=master;uid=sa;pwd=mypwd;'
